Monday, May 9, 2011

Moonstone Earrings

 JEWELRY SERIES 8: At Art Gecko we want to let our customers know some details about the jewelry we carry. This is one of many pieces we will be showcasing. 
 Moonstone is a transparent to translucent gemstone with anywhere from a yellow-brown to a blue-white sheen. It is found in Sri Lanka, India, Madagascar, Australia, Brazil and the U.S.A. The most powerful time to use the moonstone is in a full moon. It is a good luck stone, and lightens anxiety and stress.
Moonstone Earrings

New container arrival

     Over the course of the year we travel to Bali, Indonesia and India to source our merchandise. Once we have selected the awsome products, they are packed up in a large metal container to await transport to Madison WI. From Bali the container makes its way across the Pacific Ocean to L.A. Once through customs, the container is loaded onto a semi truck and driven to Madison. The whole process takes about a month and a half. By the time it arrives, we are excited to unload and unpack the many new products that will be on our shelves. This 1/2 container arrived from Bali last year. We will be expecting a full container shipment in early June 2011!

Marcel and company are ready to
 unload the new shipment.
Marcel starting to unpack the new merchandise.
What could possibly be under the wrapping???

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Bali, Indonesia

We travel across the globe to source unique and quality products for our shops. These are just a few photos of the beautiful province of Bali.  92.29% of Bali's population adhered to Balinese Hinduism while most of the remainder follow Islam. We hope everyone has a chance to visit sometime soon.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Dragon with Serpent

Dragons have captured the imagination of man for centuries. In this sculpture made of suar wood a dragon has captured a serpent
Suar wood is an average hardwood with a straight grain making it easy to carve and finish with a high gloss.   The color of the wood varies greatly between the center and outer edges of the tree.  Therefore very interesting multi-colored sculptures are crafted with this wood.  Because the trunk is huge in mature trees suar wood is very suitable for creating very large sculptures.
Dragon with Serpent

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


JEWELRY SERIES 8: At Art Gecko we want to let our customers know some details about the jewelry we carry. This is one of many pieces we will be showcasing.

Moldavite is an olive green substance that is formed by a meteorite impact!  There are only four moldavite mines that are in full operation in the Czech Republic, and it is predicted that in less than ten years from now commercial moldavite mining will come to an end.  It is a very rare stone.  The healing powers of moldavite include an emotional release, and a flushing of the face.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Haybajra Bronze Statue

Heruka is the principal deity. There is a slight difference between Heruka and HAYBAJRA. When Heruka is accompanied with his Prajna, he begets the name of Haybajra. Haybajra will have two arms to sixteen arms.

Heruka (Sanskrit; Tib.khrag 'thung), is the name of a category of wrathful deities, enlightened beings in Vajrayana Buddhism that adopt a fierce countenance to benefit sentient beings. In China and Japan, it was named as Wisdom King. Herukas represent the embodiment of indivisible bliss and emptiness. They appear as yidam or meditational deities in tantric sadhana, usually placed in a mandala and often accompanied by a yab-yum consort.

Monday, May 2, 2011


JEWELRY SERIES 7: At Art Gecko we want to let our customers know some details about the jewelry we carry. This is one of many pieces we will be showcasing. 


The color of the peridot stone is directly related to parts of the body that it can be of aid to.  The yellowish green color of peridot has been believed to cure diseases of the liver and difficulties with digestion. Peridot has been used as a Power Stone for centuries.  Peridot fosters emotional balance, and helps us heal from past emotional wounds.  It clears the path way to the heart and heals damaged egos. Peridot is also a Money Stone.  Wear it to draw money and opportunity your way.
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