Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Haybajra Bronze Statue

Heruka is the principal deity. There is a slight difference between Heruka and HAYBAJRA. When Heruka is accompanied with his Prajna, he begets the name of Haybajra. Haybajra will have two arms to sixteen arms.

Heruka (Sanskrit; Tib.khrag 'thung), is the name of a category of wrathful deities, enlightened beings in Vajrayana Buddhism that adopt a fierce countenance to benefit sentient beings. In China and Japan, it was named as Wisdom King. Herukas represent the embodiment of indivisible bliss and emptiness. They appear as yidam or meditational deities in tantric sadhana, usually placed in a mandala and often accompanied by a yab-yum consort.

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